The medicine cat used to train to be a warrior until she changed her mind. Fang - A cat … Tansy- Yellowish gold. Other Suffixes Once an Apprentice becomes a Warrior or a full Medicine Cat, they are given their new Warrior or Medicine Cat name. ~ If you look closely, there are lots of similarities between related suffixes. Ideas? Der Wald der Warrior Cats. The suffix is used to denote a particular quality that the new warrior exhibited throughout their apprenticeship that makes them stand out or helps them contribute to the Clan.
Sunny- golden. Doch die Zweibeiner zerstö
Warrior cat name generator .
The suffix in the Warriors world is the second part of a cat's warrior name, given to them by their leader at their warrior ceremony. For example, -rose, -blossom, and -flower are all for kind, motherly cats. Ant - A dark coloured cat. Talon - grey or brown. Rank Related Suffixes. There are other groups as well, but they're technically not real clans. -Eye-a cat who notices things or has good eyesight, also used in name changes. Thunder - large. All credit goes to the person who created this. Kit - A kitten below the age of six moons. Indeed, some are uncanon-that doesn't mean it doesn't work! Squirrel- red. Apple - a pale golden cat. ~ All warrior/meddie suffixes are given by the current leader/meddie, meaning they will be based on appearance, personality, and skill. Amber- a golden cat. Suffixes. Thistle - blue. Acorn - a small golden brown cat. ~ Don't give a cat a suffix which is the opposite of the prefix - for example, Snowflame. The generator is only for Clan Warrior, or perhaps Medicine Cat names, so the suffixes 'kit', 'paw' and 'star' are also not included. Thorn- brown.
Thaw- A white cat with intermittent patches of colour. One, but only one, will suit you.
Fur, pelt, stripe - A well rounded warrior with no particular talents. # list # naming # new # prefixes # random # rare # suffixes # un-canon # warriorcats Swallow- black and white. To do with legs.
Cavepaw has a moody personality and is usually not very sympathetic. Surf- Off white.
But there remains one question: What is your full Clan name?
Since there are a million Raven-s, Ice-s and -hearts here is a list for all of your Warrior Cat naming needs! Star - A clan leader. Thank you!
-soul (m/f)- A cat who is wise beyond their years when made a warrior (avoid the spiritual uses for this suffix) -streak (m/f) - a swift cat, or striped -stream (mainly f)- graceful and pretty -step (m/f) - refers to the prefix and means "steps like", usually used with animal prefixes, but might work with certian size prefixes too. -Cloud-a dreamer, and a lover, an idealist, or a cat with very thick, very thick and puffy coat. Warrior Prefixes. Alder- A silver coated cat. Wenn du wissen willst, wo es die Clans später hinverschlägt, geh zu den einzelnen Staffeln oder schau ins Wiki. ~ All warrior/meddie suffixes are given by the current leader/meddie, meaning they will be based on appearance, personality, and skill. Hi there, Mouse! Warriors is a very popular book series about the adventures of 4 clans of cats, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan. Thrush -brown. She has a strong connection to StarClan and gets a lot of visions. For example, -rose, -blossom, and -flower are all for kind, motherly cats. ~ If you look closely, there are lots of similarities between related suffixes. I have also set it up so the prefix and suffix … Argent- Silver. -Leg-works best with colour, size or animal prefixes.
Claw - An exceptionally skilled fighter.
Ash - A pale grey cat. Thyme - grey There are so many Warrior Cat suffixes, it might be almost impossible to name them all. Hier leben die KatzenClans während der ersten Staffel.
A fifth clan, Skyclan, is introduced in later books.
Tawny - golden. Stumpy- something stumpy about the cat. Der Wald der Warrior Cats Welche Clans gibt es?