The story follow a shy and introverted bank employee named Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey), who discovers an odd wooden mask down by the waterfront. Stanley learned of The Mask's magical powers when he tried the thing and he became a powerful being with extraordinary abilities. The first incarnation of the character, Stanley Ipkiss was a weak, neurotic man who purchased the Mask as a gift for his girlfriend Kathy. [Without a word, Tina takes it from him and throws it into the water, then grabs and kisses him.Meanwhile, Charlie, watching them, gets out of the car and rushes over to the edge of the bridge to look for the mask. OasisMine The Mask Loki Stanley Ipkiss The God of Mischief High Quality Resin Masks Jim Carrey OasisMine. And we all thought that it was great. Carrey's trademark energy reveals itself after Stanley puts on the mask and the banker transforms into The Mask, a green-skinned, zoot-suited fireball. He takes it home, and when he tries it on, it transforms him into a wild, yellow zoot-suited, green-faced alter-ego with cartoon physics and a … Ipkiss found The Mask as a gift for his then girlfriend, Katherine.
Put your hands up. When he puts it on, he turns into sort of a cartoon character; think Roger Rabbit on acid. It is a large, tan-bricked apartment building with a fire escape on Stanley's window, located in Downtown Edge City and owned by Mrs. Peenman. Bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss is transformed into a manic super-hero when he wears a mysterious mask. After it was purchased, the Mask began to speak to Stanley and urged him to put it on and transformed him into a superhuman. Stanley Ipkiss.
With his newfound powers, Ipkiss made ill use of the Mask and caused serious trouble in town. . The Mask creator Mike Richardson teases female-led reboot ... Richardson still thinks there is still much of character Stanley Ipkiss’s story that could be adapted for the silver screen. Story : Stanley Ipkiss is a bank clerk that is an incredibly nice man.Unfortunately, he is too nice for his own good and is a pushover when it comes to confrontations. Stanley Ipkiss. [Stanley laughs, puts on mask, it starts to suck on his face and he pulls it off] Stanley Ipkiss : [bewildered] Yeah, right. Stanley Ipkiss found and bought the Mask as a present for his girlfriend, Katherine, but eventually, he learned of the Mask's magical abilities when he put it on his face out of curiosity. The story follows a timid bank clerk called Stanley Ipkiss (Jim Carrey) who stumbles across a mask possessed by the spirit of the Norse god Loki. Carrey's trademark energy reveals itself after Stanley puts on the mask and the banker transforms into The Mask, a green-skinned, zoot-suited fireball. In The Mask, when Stanley Ipkiss puts on the mask and becomes the Mask, he not only gets more bold but also goes completely bald. While wearing the mask, Ipkiss becomes a supernatural playboy exuding charm and confidence which allows him to catch the eye of local nightclub singer Tina Carlyle. The Mask. After it was purchased, the Mask began to speak to Stanley and urged him to put it on and transformed him into a superhuman. Although he wanted to use these new powers for good, he also used them for his own personal gain. Sssmokin'! "The Mask" was the movie that introduced my family to Jim Carrey. The Mask is a 1994 American superhero comedy film directed by Charles Russell, produced by Bob Engelman, and written by Mike Werb, loosely based on the Mask comics published by Dark Horse Comics.The first installment in the Mask franchise, it stars Jim Carrey, Peter Riegert, Peter Greene, Amy Yasbeck, Richard Jeni, and Cameron Diaz in her film debut. That film, still beloved today by audiences of all ages, is The Mask. However, neither Milo nor Dorian, who both put on the mask … "The Mask"(1994) - When Stanley Ipkiss first puts the mask on he spins around the apartment like the "Tasmanian Devil" - which he has a pillow of on the couch.