Gender Male. Bird and Parrot classifieds. Discover (and save!) The mutation is quite easy to sex and hence is more popular. Introductions. Report Ad. 08/05/2020. Wanted. The Adelaide Rosella (Platycercus elegans adelaidae) subspecies which has blotchy orange colouration. ... Pied Eastern Rosella. Breeders. Murray Bridge Area Murray Bridge. Odd Pale Head Rosella: herveybaybirds: 7: 1,269: by mybirdpix Sept 5, 2008 19:07:57 GMT : new: Look who came to visit. Pale-headed rosellas nest in large tree hollows at least a metre deep, or hollow stumps or posts, usually near water, anywhere from September to June depending on their locality. Two Pale-Headed Rosellas arrive at the water. Rosella parrot. The pied Pale-headed Rosella was prevalent around 10-15 years ago. There was a chap in Southern Queensland who was breeding quite a few of these and it looked like it was going to establish, but then all of a sudden it faded out. Vets. $ 400 Black Headed Python. The Rosellas are joined at the water by a Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater. Find Rosella, Jendaya Conure, and Ringneck Parakeets on Birds Express. Sep 9, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Dicki Fox. General Bird Talk. $120. A rare breeding attempt, Pied Rosella are a result of the Dominant color mutation technique. Yesterday at 8:58 PM. The beak is white and the irises are brown. ISO 500, f/9.0 at 1/125sec 7 hours ago. Members Birthdays. One of the Rosellas has some red feathers around the head and throat. A Canon 5D MkIV was used with the 100-400 series I lens at 400mm. The pale-headed rosella (Platycercus adscitus), is a broad-tailed parrot of the genus Platycercus native to northeastern Australia. These are a very elegant bird. The Pale-headed Rosella - Platycercus adscitus - has a pale yellow head with white cheek patch. Mixed pair of Pale-headed Rosella (front left) and a hybrid between Pale-headed and Eastern Rosella (back right) on a lawn; note how extremely pale the head of the bird on the left is coloured, compared with other specimens shown on this page [Moree, NSW, September 2008] Mixed pair of Eastern Rosella (bottom) and Pale-headed Rosella (top)

$120 Negotiable. The result is a complete black bird with red-head and white cheek patches. It has a red head and white cheeks.

Pale Head Rosella Hen. Opaline Golden Mantled Eastern Rosella These are sweet babies 3 months old The eastern rosella is 30 cm (12 in) long. Parakeets are some of the most popular pet birds available. Fed on dry and sprouted seed as well as fresh fruit & veg daily. Report Ad. There are many different types of parakeets that come from all over the world. Browse pied pale head rosella pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket Jonath's Animal Kingdom. Here you will find Rosella Parakeets, Ringneck Parakeets and even Jendaya Conure species. Oz Pets Game Room.

lady: 3: 383: ... by pied Jun 13, 2007 11:18:54 GMT : new: Moved: temporary hom needed 4 som yrs 4 umbrella c: ... Show your pictures & movies of your Cockatoo and/or Rosella here. There was a chap in Southern Queensland who was breeding quite a few of these and it looked like it was going to establish, but then all of a sudden it faded out. Pale Head Rosellas - Young Cocks. Raoul Ribot, Author provided The Crimson Rosella will be … ISO 500, f/9.0 at 1/125sec Buy, Swap and Sell.

Possible Pied Pale Head Rosella. pied pale headed rosella pair in DAVOREN PARK, South Australia for sale . This shot was taken in the morning at 9.33am. Female pale head D N A bought 3 months ago but male escaped young female about 6 months old. Competitions. Goodbye to a Loved Pet! Animal Links. That is not unusual in this species although I think the plain creamy yellow head is more attarctive. The Pale-headed Rosella has a pale yellow or nearly white head. ... Pied. Upper back feathers are black with yellow fringes; lower back is variable yellowish, washed pale blue.