Elite Pets. Just find the zone you're currently in, and we've got a full list of hunter pets for you to browse in that zone. Rare Pets. Rare Pets. Warcraft Tavern's hunter pet resource for World of Warcraft Classic. The best ten pets of WOW Classic Hunter, pay tribute to the years we have been waiting for This may be a Hunter pet that has been discussed many times. That just leaves 23 for which I have no reliable record. There are no Exotic Hunter Pets, as there are in BFA for Beast Mastery Hunters. Browse Pet Families. Level 1 – 10 Level 11 – 20 Level 21 – 30 Level 31 – 40 Level 41 – 50 Level 51 – 60. The coolest of the cool - rare pets with unique looks! Pets with Unusual Looks.

If you want to test your battle prowess, an elite beast may be the pet for you.

They like to eat meat. It takes a lot of patience and dedication to track down a rare pet. Pets with Unusual Looks. Defense Pets - Defensive pets typically have higher health or armor and can withstand more attacks. However, depending on the version, combined with personal experience, talk about something different, including strength analysis and analysis of strengths and weaknesses. There exists a database of pets with special looks, or pets that are more difficult to tame. We've compiled a list of World of Warcraft pets for hunters separated into zones for easy lookup. Although every class has the same tabs below, not all of them are going to include a class specific item. Level 1 – 10. Looking for a pet that really stands out?

A raptor is a family of cunning pets in World of Warcraft. Rare & Special; Pet Guides ﹀ Pet Guides ﹀ Pet Differences in Classic; Pet Abilities; How to Train Your Pet; Pet Attack Speeds "Caster" Pets; Forums 〉 Petopia 〉 Welcome to our Classic site! Spawned Pets.

The following is a collection of toys, mounts, books, glyphs, illusions, and pets unique to each class. Look no further! It takes a lot of patience and dedication to track down a rare pet.

Each zone is presented as a seperate group, organized alphabetically. If you're just starting in Classic, please see our summary page for a refresher on the differences in taming and using pets in World of Warcraft Classic. Elite Pets. Special Pets Unique Rare Pets. Table of Contents. You can also find general stats such as attack speed, hit points, armor, and DPS.

By reading this guide, not only will you learn about what makes each class special, but you will also learn how to make your character stand out from the rest. Looking for a pet that really stands out? The following is a collection of toys, mounts, books, glyphs, illusions, and pets unique to each class.

For example, Warriors lack pets, illusions, and toys while Shamans have pets, illusions, toys, etc.

Duskbat (1-2, Tirisfal Glades) Mangy Duskbat (3-4, Tirisfal Glades)

In the Cunning Hunter Pets category. Version 1.8 added eight more and v1.9 added 3 more.

Special Pets Unique Rare Pets. It tells you what the skill does, who can learn it, the different ranks and what beast to tame to learn that rank. There are 6 basic abilities for pets: Bite, Claw, Cower, Growl, Dash and Dive. It will generally have a … Here you can find and submit WoW Classic Guides, a WoW Classic Talent Calculator, hunter pet resources, and more!

Here you can view hunter pets by the model that they use in game. I tracked down records of the attack speeds of another 16 Classic pets. Although every class has the same tabs below, not all of them are going to include a class specific item. Classic Wow Pet Skills This is the Classic Wow Pet Skills page, it lists all skill available to pets that are learnt through taming beasts.

See: ... ↳ World of Warcraft: Legion ↳ BlizzCon Discussion 2016 ↳ BlizzCon Discussion 2017. Recent News. All pet types can learn Cower, Growl, and Resistances, but not all species of pets can learn the others. Kresh (Turtle, 20, The Wailing Caverns) Forest Moss Creeper (Spider, 20-21, Hillsbrad Foothills) Green Recluse (Spider, 21-22, Duskwood) Besseleth (Spider, 21, Stonetalon Mountains) Look no further! Added in Classic World of Warcraft. In Classic WoW, Hunter pets are classified under 3 different categories. The coolest of the cool - rare pets with unique looks! For a list of these pets by type try here: Classic Wow Hunter Pets by Type. Once you select a view you can see all pets using that model as well as pet type, diet, and skills.