Hey! My … Choose the right time. Two talking parakeets speak to a mirror [multi-cam] - Duration: 10:11. 10:11. Sign in to YouTube. A large part of their charm is their ability to speak, but sometimes the skill can be difficult to teach. If your parakeet isn't ready to learn, he simply won't learn. Loading... Save. - Duration: … Here are some anecdotal tips for helping your bird learn to … Many people who own talking parakeets didn’t work with their parakeets or try to get them to talk. Kiwi and Pixel the Parakeets 33,489 views. Our female parakeet Yasha start talking by Gregory P. 3:16. 2. Some parakeets learn to whistle, but talking isn’t a skill every parakeet wants to learn. Ravens can talk! Sign in. Give it a rest and try again another day. They now make up their own songs! But eventually, before you train your parakeet how to talk, the two of you need to be close friends who are very comfortable around each other. Play all Share. Have patience with your parakeet, and someday he might surprise you. The parakeets simply began talking, and the parakeets were probably just as surprised as their owners. She says (Give me a kiss) with the kissing sound and ( Me Monster Grrrrr). Parakeets (Budgies) Singing and Talking Deborah Lagutaris; 28 videos; 230,240 views; Last updated on Jun 21, 2014; I made this list for my new baby budgies, who were pretty quiet when I brought them home from the pet shop. Some parakeets simply need some time to warm up. She talks all the time. Parakeets make wonderful pets. Budgies are much like humans in that their personalities and skills will vary, but most can learn to say a few simple phrases. Pickles my Lineolated Parakeet talks to Wizard.