English to English Dictionary English Definition, Translation and Meaning of "Vert". Translations in context of "vert, verte" in French-English from Reverso Context: You are seeing the meaning of Vert which is searched 120 times by others till now. Gratuit. Translation of "vert" in English. For any kind of suggestion, help or asking for the meaning of any word not present here, please contact us. espace vert. Learn more. (archaic) The right to fell trees or cut shrubs in a forest.

• Vert Meaning In English (n.) The color green, represented in a drawing or engraving by parallel lines sloping downward toward the right. greenery. livre vert 5500. feu vert 2587. cap-vert 2552. thé vert 610. fonds vert 312. donné le feu vert 278. périgord vert. Look it up now!

Vert. unripe. emerald. Suggestions.

vert - traduction français-anglais. Other translations. Forums pour discuter de vert, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Verde greener go dark-green evergreen olive-green GCF. green.
overt definition: 1. done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and not secret: 2. done or shown publicly or in an…. citron vert. greenish. putting green. Noun Adjective. (n.) Everything that grows, and bears a green leaf, within the forest; as, to preserve vert and venison is the duty of the verderer. Vert definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. greening.
Trending Words in News: Vert. (n.) The right or privilege of cutting growing wood.