In écarté, (specifically écarté devant) a dancer is facing their entire body to one of the two front corners of their square box.
demi-plié (deh-mee'-plee-ay') This is a small bend. Extension. This pose may be done devant (front) or derrière (back), either à terre (on the ground) or en l’air (in the air). How: The term Effacé is used to describe the direction of the body using the legs as reference. Therefore, it is unsurprising that he defines her movement in ballet terms. Effacé, most popularly is used to qualify a pose in which the legs are open (not crossed to the audience). Épaulé is usually used when in effacé derrière (the body facing downstage) and the upper body twists in second arabesque allowing the audience to see your upper back, and the head inclined towards the audience. The use of Épaulment basically makes everything in ballet look prettier. Effacé literally means ‘shadowed’ or ‘obscured’. Effacé, effacée [eh-fa-SAY] Literally: shaded. This direction is termed ouvert in the French ballet vocabulary. Coleman questions Ellison's ardent belief that the "twoness" of the dyadic "African-American" can be reconciled when blacks embrace principles of democracy and individuality--that the "Negro's" inexorable "Americaness" will somehow efface the negativity inherently implied in "blackness." Effacé … Origin of the word is French, like all of the ballet vocabulary. In ballet it is a position of the body, in profile, supported on one leg, which can be straight or demi-plié, with the other leg extended behind and at right angles to it, and the arms held in various harmonious positions creating the longest possible line from the fingertips to the toes. 3. Effacé. demi-pointes (deh-mee'-pwant) This means to rise on to the ball of the foot. In ballet there are eight positions of the body from which all the various steps are executed. (a box drawn perfectly around the dancer that is has its front and back lines parallel to the front of the room or stage). Efface definition is - to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface; also : to cause to vanish. ... What is the meaning of the word effacé? Croisé – meaning … Suggest why it is an appropriate title. The poem is dedicated to Nora, a ballet dancer who the poet met when he was studying in Queen’s University, Ontario. 1. Effacé is the opposite of croisé. One of the basic poses in ballet, arabesque takes its name from a form of Moorish ornament. To remove or make indistinct: "Five years' absence had done nothing to efface the people's memory of his firmness" (Alan Moorehead). es An effacé position is where the dancer’s body is placed at an oblique angle from the audience and the legs appear to be “open”.